Hikers in the Amazon rainforest
3-day adventure

Amazon Experience

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3 days
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Our team in Peru has been running since 2012 and is lead by the highly knowledgeable José Quispe. He is passionate about his home country and showing others the amazing historical and natural phenomena that live there. Nothing is ever too much trouble for José and he will always be found with a huge smile on his face. He leads an incredible team, decked out in full Kandoo orange, they are hard to miss on the trail. They will do everything they...
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Kandoo's view

Just the name Amazon conjures up images of ancient tribes, dense untouched forest and incredible wildlife, and whether you visit the Amazon for just two days or much longer you will not leave disappointed. The sheer scale of the Amazon Basin is quite amazing: overall it is twice the size of India and at its widest it is 40km across.

But you must come here looking to enjoy the overall experience of the rainforest, not expecting a David Attenborough like animal sightseeing tour. The incredible images we see with David Attenborough often involve a cameraman spending weeks on end in a small hide and this isn't quite what most of our travellers have in mind.

What you will enjoy is canoeing through the flood plains of the forest, being woken in the jungle by the noise of a thousand birds or the cry of howler monkeys. Wildlife is hard to spot but incredible when you do find it. The tribes that live along the riverbanks are fascinating and once you relax into its beauty you will leave with an indelible memory of one of the world's unique places. We can arrange several trips to the Amazon including this 3-day extension.

Trip highlights

  • Meet the local tribes who call the rainforest home
  • Take a canoe trip through the forest flood plains
  • Hear the incredible cry of Howler Monkeys


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  • Day 1


    Fly to Puerto Maldonado where you will be met by your naturalist guide and transferred to a dugout canoe for the 3 hour trip up the Tambopata River to the Tambopata Eco Lodge. Please make sure your flight arrives before 2pm so that you can make the journey to your accommodation in daylight.
    On the journey the vegetation changes from colonized deforested areas to virgin rainforest. A box-lunch is provided on board. On arrival you'll have a welcome drink and meet the rest of the staff. In the late afternoon you set off for an introductory walk into the "terra firma" forest behind the lodge, dominated by giant Brazil-nut and Dipteryx trees. After dinner there will be a night walk to find nocturnal animals, as about 50% of the animals in the rainforest are nocturnal.

    • Accomodation: Lodge
    • Meals included: Lunch / Dinner
  • Day 2


    After an early breakfast you and your guide will board the motorized canoe once again for the short journey to the trail head to begin a morning's exploration by foot and paddle canoe of the lake system of Condenado. This whole area is rich in bird and aquatic life and a family of giant otters lives in the vicinity of the lake. The afternoon is for exploring the forest close to the lodge (with or without your guide), relaxing and bathing in the Gallucunca, a cool clear stream beside the lodge. After dark you will go searching for caiman (alligators) and other nocturnal animals by motorized canoe along the Tambopata River.

    • Accomodation: Lodge
    • Meals included: Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
  • Day 3


    A dawn start is required for the canoe trip back to Puerto Maldonado, giving memorable views of the sunrise over the river. This gives you are last chance to look out for wildlife that are particularly active at this time. Howler monkeys are frequently heard, as they stakeout their territories. From the airport at Puerto Maldonado you can fly to your next destination in Peru, or back to Lima for your international connection. Please ensure you book your departure flight for after 10am, this is again to ensure the return journey to Puerto Maldonado takes place in daylight.

    • Meals included: Breakfast

Trip information


A good level of fitness is recommended but this is not an overly strenuous programme and is achievable by anyone with a Kandoo attitude.  

Food & drink

Your Lodge accommodation is booked on a full board basis. The spacious and airy dinning room provides a buffet of Peruvian and international dishes to cater for all tastes. Breakfasts and dinners will be taken at the Lodge while a picnic lunch is provided for you to take out each day.  


On Arrival, you will be met and taken to the Tambopata Eco Lodge offices in Puerto Maldonado. Accommodation is in comfortable twin or double rooms with private bathrooms. The rooms are best described as "cabins", set amongst extensive tropical gardens with walls formed of screens that keep the insects out but allow a welcome flow of fresh air in. The lodge is extremely remote being 68km from the nearest town and provides the perfect location for excursions into the jungle. 


There are storage facilities at our offices in Puerto Maldonado. So any non-essential luggage can be left before setting off for the Eco lodge. This makes travel on the Eco lodge boat more comfortable. You will be supplied with a duffle bag at the offices. If you arrive with your suitcases with what you need to the stay on top of your suitcase or back pack and you can transfer these essentials to the duffel bag provided.

How do I get there?

The quickest, cheapest way to reach Puerto Maldonado is to fly from Cuzco which takes roughly 2hr 15. Most flights are direct, however some will stop at Lima on route. Tickets are usually anywhere between $105-$155 each way. On arrival, please book a flight that arrives into Puerto Maldonado before 2pm and on departure ensure your flight leaves after 10am - this is due to the boat that transfers you to your accommodation, being unable to make the journey along the river at night. 

Alternatively, if you wish to travel more responsibly, then there are other ways to reach Puerto Maldonado. Civa and Grupo Palomino offer direct routes from Cuzco to Puerto Maldonado, which take 8hr 30 and cost around $15 each way. 


May be offered to the guides or staff at the lodge, at your own discretion.

Formalities & health


Please double check that your passport is valid for 6 months beyond the date of arrival in Peru. We recommend that you take a photocopy of your passport and keep it separate from the original, and this will be useful if the original is lost while you are travelling.


Most visitors (including nationals from the UK, Europe, USA and Australia) do not require a visa to enter Peru, and will generally be granted a 183 day stay. You will need at least two blank visa pages in your passport. Certain nationalities not mentioned above must apply for a visa in advance, so check with your local Peruvian Embassy. On arrival you will need to complete a tourist card in duplicate, and will be given one copy to hand back in when you depart. Keep this tourist card safe, as you will receive a fine if you do not still have it when you leave the country. You will also be required to present it when checking in to hotels or you will be charged additional taxes.


The standard vaccinations required for Peru are diphtheria, tetanus, typhoid and hepatitis A, but you should always consult your doctor or travel clinic for the most up to date advice. Yellow Fever is recommended for some areas of Peru, which includes the Amazon basin.


It is your responsibility to ensure that you are fully and adequately insured for the duration of your trip. Please ensure that all activities, excursions and destinations in your itinerary are included in your travel insurance policy, in addition to your regular cover for cancellation and medical expenses. Most of our treks in Peru do not exceed 4700m with the exception of the Ausangate Trek which will reach 5200m. If you are only doing the Short Inca trail your trek will not exceed 3500m. Please ensure that your insurance policy covers you for trekking at these altitudes.

We ask that you keep a copy of your policy summary (containing policy number and the emergency contact number for your insurer) in your day sack at all times, so that we can access this information should we need to contact the insurer on your behalf.


Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness, called soroche in Peru and also known as Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) or hypobaropathy, is an illness caused by exposure to low air pressure, especially low partial pressure of oxygen, which many climbers experience at high altitudes. AMS is caused by exerting yourself at high altitudes, especially if you have not been properly acclimatised. It is most common at altitudes above 2400 metres. Our routes have been designed to aid your acclimatisation wherever possible, but the following will also help your body adjust:

Slow and steady. You need to keep your respiration rate low enough to maintain a normal conversation. If you are panting or breathing hard, you must slow down. There is no pressure on you to keep up with other members of your group.

Drink much more water than you think you need. Proper hydration helps acclimatisation dramatically. You need to drink at least three litres each day.


There has been a lot of research on Diamox that shows that it has been reasonably well proven to be helpful in avoiding AMS by speeding up the acclimatisation process. In the UK it is a prescription drug which must be prescribed by a doctor, but some doctors are reluctant to prescribe it. The concern is that by taking Diamox, people believe that they are immune from AMS and can ignore the symptoms. In reality, although Diamox can help prevent the symptoms, should symptoms still develop it means that you are not acclimatising and you have to take notice. Diamox is taken before you start treking to prevent altitude sickness, not once you are on the mountain and symptoms have developed.


There is no risk of malaria in Cuzco or on the Inca Trail due to the altitude. However, there is a risk of malaria in rural areas of Peru below 2,000m. This would include Tambopata National Park, so if you are planning an extension to the Amazon Rainforest, you need to plan anti-malarial medication for this part of your trip. In addition to taking medication, we would recommend you take every precaution to prevent mosquito bites by wearing long-sleeved trousers and shirts at dusk and dawn when the mosquitos are active, and by using a DEET based mosquito repellent. If you are planning on taking Diamox, please let your doctor know, as daily malaria tablets taken alongside Diamox can cause an upset stomach and nausea. A weekly malaria tablet may be a better option, but you would need to discuss this with your doctor.


You can easily become dehydrated at high altitudes. The lower air pressure forces you to breathe more quickly and deeply, and you lose a lot of water through your lungs. You will also be exerting yourself, and sweating, and may even suffer from diarrhoea. As a result, you will have to drink much more water than you normally would and you should drink at least 3 litres of fluids every day while climbing. Even when you do not feel thirsty you have to drink this amount as a minimum preferably more. Stay on the look-out for signs of dehydration in yourself and your fellow climbers. The most common symptoms include thirst, dry lips, nose or mouth, headache and feeling fatigued or lethargic.


You will be advised by the lodge of what you should and should not do while at the lodge. Insect repellent is advised and malaria prophylaxis too. Yellow fever is uncommon. If you have a vaccination certificate bring it with you. Even though yellow fever is not officially required for travel to Peru, the disease is known to be present in the rainforest. Should you wish to be administered this vaccine then you must receive your vaccine at least 10 days before arrive in the rainforest.

Other information

Water Supply
Water comes from a holding tank behind the Eco lodge and is precious. You can use this for drinking and for brushing your teeth. Water straight from the faucet should only be used for washing and showering.
Bottled water is also available for purchase.
Do not walk in the forest alone, and do not stray from the marked trails.

Equipment & clothing

Clothing to bring

Forest Walks: Light, loose fitting long trouser, long sleeve shirts, wide brimmed hat, walking boots or walking shoes, trainers. Impermeable jacket or rain poncho.
Eco lodge trail excursions: Wellington boots are available in a selection of sizes for use.
Around the Lodge: T-shirts and sandals. It can be cold early morning, so bring a sweatshirt or light coat. Swimwear for bathing.

When on trails we recommend that you cover up fully (long pants and long sleeves), use insect repellent and tuck pants into socks.
Please use footwear at all times walking around the lodge complex.

Equipment to bring

Personal Items: We recommend the following items: Sunblock, flashlight and batteries, water bottle, medical kit, sunglasses, waterproof bags, insect repellent and a daypack.

Photography: To protect your cameras etc. it is a good idea to bring a water casing, as you will be visiting the rainforest and be in and out of boats. Wrap them in plastic bags and only take them out when you are actually going to be using them.


Prices start from £459 / $595 per person

Want to ask us a question or book a private trip? Don't hesitate to contact us!

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Price includes

  • Return group transfer from Puerto Maldonado to lodge
  • Full board lodge accommodation
  • Hikes and excursions as per itinerary in an open group
  • Entry fee for Tambopata national reserve

Price does not include

  • Airfares and departure taxes 
  • Tips and gratuities to local guides and hotel staff
  • Meals & drinks not specified 
  • Items of a personal nature, such as laundry, wifi, and snacks
  • Additional services at Tambopata lodge (paid locally)