
Our Commitment

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We are acutely aware that international travel is having a huge impact on the ecosystems and biodiversity of our planet through increasing carbon emissions and over tourism. Here at Kandoo HQ, we are working really hard to ensure we do our bit towards keeping our environmental impact minimal on the places we visit, ensuring that the communities and wildlife that live there can continue to do so for a long time to come. 

Our Commitment

Style of trip

We have built our adventures to appeal to the wild explorer within and allow you to become immersed in nature. This style of trip automatically champions a lower environmental impact. Using soft mobility methods of travel such hiking, kayaking, Nordic skiing and snowshoeing reduces our environmental footprint significantly in comparison to covering long distances by vehicle or air travel. We also favour camping over more luxurious styles of accommodation which again produces less of an environmental impact and our meals, whilst camping, use local produce and are locally sourced to minimise the distance the food has travelled to reach us. As our trips are active and adventure-filled we also find our guests have less opportunity to buy imported gifts and engage in other material consumption in comparison to more leisurely trips and cruises. We are proud that this is the type of travel we are passionate about and will continue to improve and develop our offers to provide more sustainable, circular experiences for you in the future. 

Local experts

Part of being a sustainable brand means having a positive impact on the local areas that we visit. Having a good relationship with these areas is something we have built up over time and at the forefront of this are the people that we work with.  We have brilliant relationships with our local managers and through them we are able to employ highly, experienced local guides on the majority of our trips. This supports the local economy and environment by:
  • Promoting employment opportunities within the local area - helping to boost the local economic standards.
  • Ensuring that money is going back into the local economy through staff wages.
  • Developing good relationships with the locals and giving us insights into local culture and traditions that aren’t always understood or known by foreign guides.
  • Reducing the environmental impact of our trips as we aren’t flying guides out to these destinations. 

Small groups

It is a simple concept, the smaller the amount of people, the less consequential environmental impact they will have. Our trips run at an absolute maximum of 12 participants to minimise our impact on the environments that we are visiting. Less people means:
  • Less food needing to be transported and provided
  • Less gas used in cooking
  • Less foot travel over the ground
  • Less waste to be disposed of appropriately
  • Fewer vehicles needed for transporting guests
  • Less social influence over the locals - enabling the local people to continue their lives as normal

Carbon Management

One of the biggest environmental factors in travel is the carbon produced in getting to the destination and exploring it. We are aware that our line of business is a big contributor the the effects of climate change so we are joining our fellow sustainability comrades to try and combat a change. The first of our implementations is to offset the carbon that each of our trips is producing in a worthwhile way. This means using offsetting projects that will continue to promote positive climate change, even with the effects that we are already seeing.  
We began by working hard to tap in as much detail as possible into our calculators to provide honest, reliable carbon emissions for our trips. We know that we haven't yet reached the perfect formula, so we are instead choosing to provide you with all of our workings and our plan for continued improvement. These can be found on Our Carbon Calculations page. Once the emissions are calculated, we are then offsetting this carbon within the cost of our trips, through a UK based company called Forest Carbon. As a small company this is a huge step for us and is the first in our aim to become much more sustainable. 

Giving Back

We are building up the partners and projects we work with to ensure that we give back to the communities that support us on our adventures, particularly in our developing destinations. We are already working alongside our team in Bhutan on our Wild Kandoo project as well as KPAP and  Robertson Outdoor Bursary in Tanzania to give back to the community on Kili.  Being able to support these local communities in a meaningful way is something we are extremely proud of. To see more about the projects we support visit our Partners and Projects page. 

Environmental Awareness 

Raising environmental awareness and promoting it on our trips is a huge deal for us. We are big believers in practice what you preach and so we are providing:
  • Responsible alternatives for guests travelling to destinations in Europe
  • Visits to a conservation team in the Amazon who safeguard an area of the rainforest for protected species
  • Opportunities to work with recycling NGOs in Indonesia

We are also members of Leave No Trace and adhere to the regulations promoted by this program:

  • Plan ahead and prepare
  • Travel and camp on durable surfaces
  • Dispose of waste properly
  • Leave what you find
  • Minimize campfire impacts (be careful with fire)
  • Respect wildlife
  • Be considerate of other visitors