Baby elephant observation during a safari

Animal Welfare

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Wildlife Interactions

Our wildlife holidays provide you with opportunities to get up close and personal with the incredible breadth of wildlife we have on our planet and we work hard to ensure that the wildlife we are observing isn't impacted by our activity. Any interactions our guests have with the animals on our trips is monitored and lead by experienced guides and handlers, who are qualified in delivering unmatched experiences that have high standards of animal welfare and conservation.


Whilst on safari there are several rules that we follow to ensure we are not negatively impacting the animals we are observing:

  • Whilst on the game drives we always stay within the vehicle – the animals we are observing are naturally curious and leaving the vehicle encourages dangerous behaviours from the animals, putting us unnecessarily at risk.
  • When viewing the wildlife we turn off the engine and speak in hushed voices – loud noises tend to scare the animals which not only makes for poor game viewing but also negatively impacts the environment we are stepping into.
  • When driving through the national parks our drivers stick to marked roads and tracks and follow the park’s speed limits – this helps to prevent animal/vehicle collisions.
  • Once we have found wildlife to view we don’t “chase” them – we must remember that we are in their home and so our observations shouldn’t alter their natural behaviours.
  • We don’t feed the animals – although this is something that we occasionally get asked about! We don’t want the animals to associate our vehicles with food as this can cause them to become aggressive and adopt a hunting mentality, which again is altering their behaviour, something we don’t want to do.
  • Leave no trace – as with the rest of our trips we follow a ‘Leave No Trace’ policy, ensuring that we don’t leave anything behind that could be toxic or harmful to the animals.
  • This also applies to the vegetation of the national parks – although the flowers and plants are beautiful, we take photos and observe but we don’t take them with us!

Supporting Wildlife Conservation

We are proud of the organisations we choose to work alongside on our trips; advocating for the local wildlife, promoting habitat conservation and diversifying species. The Tambopata Ecolodge is the perfect example of one of these organisations, they are currently using the profits from the ecolodge to buy and protect 1800 hectares of primary rainforest to allow the wildlife in this area to thrive.


Working Alongside Animals

We believe that the destinations we visit should never be negatively impacted by our presence, and this is particularly relevant to the wildlife that inhabit these areas. In some countries, animals and people have worked alongside one another for many years and traditions such as these can be positive for both the animal and its human counterpart as long as they are undertaken with care. 

Mules and Horses

In the High Atlas, Bhutanese, Ladakhi and Peruvian Mountains, the use of mules and horses to carry loads is a cultural norm that dates back centuries.  The strong and sure footed animals have spent their lives up in the mountains and are able to transport loads from A to B with ease.  These animals are a big source of income for the local people and as a result they are generally treated with great respect and consideration for their well being.  However, there are always exceptions and in some cases animals have experienced terrible neglect and cruelty. The main problems that cause suffering are: traditional bits, overloading, inadequate feeding, wounds, poor footcare and working unfit animals (lame, sick or injured).

We are committed to ensuring that the animals we use on our treks receive only the very best treatment. To ensure they are never overloaded we have placed restrictions on the weight of the luggage you can bring with you for these treks.  Your main bag must always be flexible and not weigh more than the allocated maximum.  The maximum load a mule/horse can carry is 80kg, this will ensure the health and comfort of the animal as well as a sustainable working life.  We will not start trekking with animals who are obviously lame, sick or wounded.  We will never condone the use of traditional bits which can cause terrible pain and we only work with a select number of handlers who we know and trust, to provide the very best level of care to their animals. 



In Finland we have a team of over 300 dogs that live and work on our Basecamp. All our dogs live in the kennels together and are cared for by the experienced dog handlers who live alongside them. They are Alaskan Huskies - a cross between a Siberian husky and different breeds of Nordic dogs, allowing them to be very much at ease in the cold, Nordic environment. The Basecamp kennels are kept clean and hygienic, the dogs are fed at numerous intervals throughout the day and between their sledding they have plenty of down time. The harnesses we use are comfortable and replaced regularly and the dogs are grouped into co-operative pairs, living and working in their pairs throughout their lives making them extremely loyal to one another. During the summer months the dogs spend a lot of time in our relaxation park, an open enclosure several hundred metres squared where they can roam freely and get plenty of exercise.

Reporting Abuse and Maltreatment

If you have a concern regarding the treatment of any of the animals on your trip please report it as soon as possible to our UK team and we will take steps to ensure this doesn't continue to occur. 

Eden Rural Enterprise Centre
United Kingdom
CA11 0DT

+44 1283 499980
